From June 14th - June 28th 2020 all available work will be for sale at 50%off the listed price. Amazing!
This time of outpouring of protests and support for the black community in The USA following George Loyd’s death by police brutality is momentous in that it promises change against racist police brutality and inhumane acts of violence against our fellow citizens.
This is an opportunity to support a cause (the that will start the conversation early in a child’s life while adding to or starting your art collection.
I have chosen to donate to this particular charity after witnessing a 7 year-old inflict racist remarks on his black class mate until the young black boy broke down in tears, heartbreaking! The other kids, in shock, did not understand what was happening enough to stand up for their black friend. This Anti-Racist discussion has to begin early in life too.
There’s a possibility that some images you have seen on Instagram may not be on my web site. Please email me with questions and interests,
To purchase, please email me for info and confirmation that the work is still available. Payments are accepted via PAY PAL, Apple Pay, SQUARE, Shipping not included.
I will show legitimate donation proof on each sale my end and here are the details of my chosen charity
Please go to
Blue Mountains screen print and water colours on Rives Paper, 22x30”