Simple shapes start out these drawings and mark makings. I want to add more hand interference and some colour, can’t resist although some of these 8 drawings are satisfactory by themselves. I do throw 2 away, me no like, and the others ? Well you can be the selectors.
Following first marks/shapes, I continue elaborating with more marks and some colour. I’m creating these small drawings/paintings that are references to ancient stones creating mystery in the landscapes of UK and Republic of. Ireland. Each one measures 12x9” and comes with a matt board all on archival heavy weight paper.
Go to www.instagram/catherinejrich for details . Shipping is free in US and under $20 for overseas.
Created for #artistsupportpledge on Instagram @catherinejrich.
This was founded by @Matthewburrows and has grown large in numbers during lockdown Covid-19 to support artists. The rules are as such; any artist on IG can offer work for sale for max amount of $200 or £200 or currency of your country. When artist reaches 1000 in their currency they pledge to buy another artist’s work.
Follow the hash tag #artistsupportpledge on IG for an opportunity to collect art at amazing prices
Two of 8 small works on paper