Materiality Re_Mined exhibition at Seager Gray Gallery, Mill Valley, California July 1-31 202

Deep within the screen of a smart phone.


Materiality Re_Mined

Rather than give a statistics view behind our collaborative project, I will aim to talk about the work itself including ways we stretched our own practices to highlight this project particularly. For instance learning how to edit video was a new task for me. Operating a laser etching machine was in Brooke’s task box. 

Although the learning curves are frustrating at times there’s also a great sense of expansion in oneself when pushing to learn something new for a bigger purpose. 

This exhibition at the Seger Gray Gallery is the result of a two-year collaboration between Brooke Holve and myself. The Extraction Art project is part of a multi faceted global movement focusing on extractive industries particularly mining.  The website, informs how this project started and who is behind it and where it’s going etc. 

Because landscape is a primary source of motivation for my artwork I decided that exploring the inner workings of the smart phones and it’s connection to earth geology would be an interesting project. We discovered that 70 minerals and elements from the periodic table are involved in the building of a smart phone. The same minerals are often used in many alternative energy sources. As our demand grows so resources shrink and now there’s a desperate attempt around the world for geologists to hunt for new resources. 

There are conflict minerals, rare earth elements and commodities. 

For example cassiterite is a mineral containing tin. Tin is used in smart phones for soldering different metal components together. Tin is also use with the element indium to make indium-tin-oxide, a very thin transparent and electrically conductive material used to make smart phone touchscreens. The most important source of tin is from the ore mineral cassiterite found in hydrothermal veins and alluvial placer deposits. The current leading produces of tin are China, Indonesia and Myanmar. 

Cassiterite is also a conflict mineral because much of it is mined in areas where child labour is practiced and /or much of the profits are syphoned off for gorilla warfare and militia training camps. This is especially prevalent in the Congo where also cobalt is mined. 

There are many efforts by large companies such as Apple to avoid these sources but often it is very hard to trace the source. My hope is that this research which is here translated into the visual arts might inspire awareness of the damage to the landscape, to peoples lives and ecosystems etc. 

While we are so dependent on this miracle machine, we are consumers and our voice has effect. There is growing concerns around the globe regarding demand and supply; big corporations are investing in recycling minerals from devices but more care and effort is needed in mining practices and more awareness of the resource footprint of our phones offers possible opportunities towards a sustainable industry. 

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Happy Healthy 2021 (the year of the Extraction Project launch and our collaboration)

2020 happened like a ( bat? ) out of hell!

A diseased something or other, (mistreated wild animals? an escaped lab experiment?), we don’t know all yet. A reminder that the organics of “us” is indeed vulnerable!

Like a Si-Fi film we are able to cope with the situation of mega restrictions to stop the spread of this contagion; virtually we connect to the world.

A marvellous ability and a surprising amount gets done. What doesn’t get done or seen is our need to touch; our spontaneity to just go somewhere, visit friends, stay over night; have dinner together; etc etc!

It strikes me as spooky that symptoms of this Covid-19 virus are a loss of taste and smell, one of our essential senses for connecting human to human, sensing danger and enjoyment of life. What does it mean? The alien we’ve somehow created escaped from the fracking mines or the ancient salt lakes of the lithium fields or maybe its a weird animal that has evolved from all the floating plastic in the oceans but it could be that we brought too many mangoes to Scandinavia.

Brilliant scientists are on the front lines ready to save the year with vaccines. How do we thank these people for giving us hope?

Yet again we are rescued from the likes of Small Pox, Measles, Polio and other killer diseases. Hope is what we have.

Meanwhile art making continues across the world.

My collaboration on The Extraction Project with Brooke Holve will culminate in a featured exhibit at

Seager /Gray Gallery, Mill Valley California, July 2021.

Here is a pic of the catalogue/exhibition guide, published by the edited by Sam Pelts

“A multi-media, multi venue, cross-border art intervention that will investigate extractive industry  in all of its forms (from mining and drilling, to the reckless exploitation of water, soil, trees and marine life and other natural resources).”

“A multi-media, multi venue, cross-border art intervention that will investigate extractive industry in all of its forms (from mining and drilling, to the reckless exploitation of water, soil, trees and marine life and other natural resources).”

Materiality Re-Mined     pages 110 - 113 in the catalogue. A digital “sketch” of our mobile phone project that seeks to expose the trail of minerals and elements mined to build the devices we depend on!

Materiality Re-Mined pages 110 - 113 in the catalogue. A digital “sketch” of our mobile phone project that seeks to expose the trail of minerals and elements mined to build the devices we depend on!

“I think the best art feeds the soul of civilization. Think about all of the art, from day one that has transcended wars, famines, the fall of empires. I think that artists can directly and indirectly address this existential moment.”
Richard Misrach