The Art Factory in West London is perfect for now; 20 studios and supportive studio mates. I've been able to keep up a routine of working a full 5 days a week interrupted, necessarily so, by visits to friends and family in and around London or in Somerset. Living within quick and easy access to culture laden London is amazing.
When I first arrived Yoko Ono retrospective was showing at The Tate Modern, really great to get a persective from a time distance on how she was instigating various art movements of her day and stays loyal to her vision now.
Last week I visited the Royal Academy to see a retrospective of Michael Craig-Martin. Although not someone I've followed he writes well about his place in art history and the show is brilliant.
I can’t recall all the amazing artwork I’ve seen this Spring &Summer. Took a trip north into Hertfordshire to visit Henry Moore’s Studio and gardens. 70 acres with his work in their best life. Then Hauser & Wirth Somerset for the amazingly powerful work of Phyllida Barlow. Royal Sculpture Society to see some very contemporary sculpture/3D pieces and the majectic Tate Britain to visit some contemporary installations, Turner Prize winners and favourite classic collections such as David Hockney, Patrick Heron, J.W Waterhouse (Lady of Shalott0
Leaving London for a few months, going to Austin Texas on Oct 6, taking the rolled canvases and paper works in super cardboard tubes as "extra baggage" on the flight.
My collaborator, Brooke Holve and I are scheduled to meet up in November to arrange and edit our exhibition in Northern California showing in February 2025. Notifications will find their way into your inboxes, social media and by word-of-smiley-mouths. Previous to that event will be a sale of my prints (from original artwork) coming very soon and my annual special offer series of small works.
It's an interesting challenge to go back and forth with an art career. Networking, sticking around to see "things" through pose disadvantages and opportunities. Great to escape wildly hot summers, (Texas), and chilly wet Winters, (London).
Erosion study.
3D sketching with wood, mesh, chamois, tape, burlap, plaster.
Studio Wall
Another studio wall