Geo structures 56x75cm (22x29")
I continue to work on the bedroom floor, tearing paper, gluing, throwing some paper and inks in the freezer and piecing some works together as I currently dwell in the centre of a city with 450,000 population, and reflect upon my intrigue with the wild and untamed landscapes.
Questioning details; what is it about this earth, its horizons, mountains and vistas? Am I, are we all in danger of severing our connection to naturalness?
Compelled to walk a terrain in order to understand and somatically experience the way these vistas were formed, I wonder how I "fit" and relate to place. This I've done since a child, thinking I was looking for friends each time we moved locations. What are the sensations I feel from crossing and dwelling on land structures? Using a more scrutinizing look, I borrow the gaze of a geologist.
More drawings to date; packing paper and brown parcel paper, inks, white acrylic, paper from shopping bags, graphite, silver Gaffa Tape.