One month of a residence in Iceland was entirely compatible, calm relatively uneventful. Primordial rhythms merged me with a landscape. No driving, no chores beyond cooking and clean up, just observation of weather, horizons, sky, volcanoes with minimal touring. I want to return and explore more the land; another kind of visit (resort to be a tourist!).
With an overwhelming collection of inner inspirational charge, the challenge is about how to proceed, post the experience of immersion at a residence.
It appears not to be about replicating my contact with place and time but rather a directional guide and affirmation about what motivates me visually and emotionally without influences of cultural trends. I'm interested in the gaze over landscapes of grandeur; mixing the angles of the gaze; experimenting with materials that evoke mood and/or cross sections of agates and minerals that make up the geology. I am fascinated while being alarmed by ice melt and what is revealed by it's absence. I aim to convey a stillness that is deeply alive, almighty and mysteriously active.
That is always the challenge and occasionally i touch on it.