Award and first prize

I’m stoked, chuffed, elated! my Piece Shelf Crack won first prize, a nice recognition and monetary reward for my entry in the Earth Sciences category ( one of the areas of study included in the Bath University Science curriculum). Have to admit I was taken by complete surprise as the entries were competitive and exhilarating. I’ve always liked the concepts of a visual side of science. Artists can “play” and be inspired by scientific research yet they are free to inject complete fantasy and imagination to an idea and are not under the same pressure to prove an outcome of research yet the combination of each of the artist’s and scientist’s methods are fascinating and can inspire each other’s gateway into investigation.

While playing with water and Ink and using freezing methods, im curious to see what patterns will develop in the transition from water to ice. Using Black ink aids in the visibility of pattern. so the experiments begin….different papers and substrates…different inks…movements…varying freezing speeds….temps and duration? anything I can think of or read about that will offer diverse challenges!

When I have a selection of patterns i choose, rearrange, cut, layout and scan a believable land structure image. This is then digitally influenced and printed on various substrates. This series is printed on opaque white film for the translucent light effect.

SHELF.CRACK,digitaly influenced.jpeg


Last week I sent out an art-update announcing my participation in Visions Of Science, a juried show at The Bath Arts Edge Gallery, University of Bath, England. I’ll write a little more about the goings on here.

Bath University is known for its pedagogy in various fields of science. A few years ago a government grant was endowed to develop an art hub and gallery as a way to provide students of science to incorporate art discourse with scientific thought process and problem solving. Most likely there was a requirement to provide opportunities that would involve community therefore various programs of performance, classes, exhibitions and family art days are promoted to the public.

This year an inaugural juried exhibition was launched. Work submitted was required to relate to one of the departments of research in the University.

My two framed pieces, belonging to the Earth Sciences/Geology sector can be seen in the main gallery where the walls are painted a rich mulberry colour.

Check out the gallery for times and ending date.


Floeberg 42 x 28” framed digital print from a collage.

Shelf Crack 42 x 28” framed digital print from a collage

Invigilating in the gallery

I've been fortunate to meet a portion of the art community in Bristol through working the gallery at Spike Island, art and design studios. Here thrives an excellent model of  creative endeavour that uplifts the critical intellect while inspiring processs for the artist and curators and curious participants. It offers residencies, art studios and exhibitions connecting it to global arts platforms while providing local community with classes, free exhibitions and lectures etc.

While i haven't had more than a small area of floor to work on I have spent time to research and observe trends in current conceptual art practice. Bristol being a University town I meet many young students studying to become curators. The richness of conceptual ideas and thoughts in this very whirred up time we live in is grist for fascinating discussions that describe and explain visual 2-D and 3-D installations. 

What seems to be happening here in addition to LA and possibly NY is an outpour of evidence that of discovering threads that make unexpected connections in a treasure hunt of disparate ideas, research and concepts. I find it exciting!  At the entryway of the exhibit one can be bewildered unless there is a pamphlet of explanation/story. The latter i prefer as it can be as a novel where only the author reveals those moments of conception. The best shows for me are when the public are invited to get involved by sipping elixir, playing with clay, writing their family tree etc. I'm can then enjoy that I mostly haven't got a clue and I'm given a space and time to sit with the work without having to "get it" therefore I "get" something. 


 Glow on cold stone